Management Contractor (MC)

Management Contractor (MC)

Tabdil Energy Paya Company has obtained the Management Contractor due to its valuable records in managing various projects and having qualified experts from the Management and Planning Organization. In the most advanced implementation methods, the four-factor method is also considered in the executive organization of the project. Therefore, in addition to the three factors of employer, consultant, and contractor, the project management agent also enters the execution scene to prevent the expansion of the employer organization and coordination in powers and responsibilities, and to delay the implementation of work due to organizational problems.
The project manager is a legal entity who, on behalf of the project manager, is responsible for managing, controlling, and coordinating projects and implementation steps. The project manager has performed its duties within the framework of methods, rules, and instructions approved by the executor and by applying direct and daily management in other executive agents to the executor is responsible for the accuracy of qualitative and quantitative work according to specifications, estimates and initial plans. And its possible changes by providing continuous reports and positive documents, as well as reviewing and commenting on implementation methods and proposing the desired method and separating services and project operations into different projects and activities and determining their common chapter according to the selected method, determining the circulation method It is responsible for creating and maintaining coordination between the activities of the project and its implementing factors.
Management and supervision have always been considered as one of the important pillars of achieving the quantitative and qualitative goals of projects by the employers of this industry, and this company, using cohesive engineering and management support, has been providing these services for many years in order to implement them quickly. Provides quality and within the framework of projected project costs and objectives of the employer at a wide level, in the form of services such as contract management, high supervision, supervision of design and supply activities, supervision, and workshop engineering.

September 23, 2019 No Comments