Project Management and Planning

Project Management and Planning

Projects at the Tabdil Energy Paya Company have a different structure from day-to-day operations due to their diverse and non-repetitive nature. Due to this issue, project management is always more difficult than the administrative and normal affairs of the company and requires more attention to different and variable dimensions. Management needs accurate, fast, up-to-date, and efficient information to perform its main task, which is to make decisions in such a structure, in order to be able to make its decisions based on credible backing.


Project Management Information Systems (PMIS) in Tabdil Energy Paya Company are a set of techniques and tools used in project management that are designed and implemented with the aim of collecting and organizing information in a project and project managers from this Use tools and techniques to collect, standardize, and distribute information electronically.


Project management information systems in a reliable Tabdil Energy Paya Company can be used at high and low levels of management and implementation in projects (including all people working and influential in the project) to communicate with each other. Project management information systems help a lot in planning and managing the time, execution, and completion process of the project (Closing). When planning project processes, the project managers of the Tabdil Energy Paya Company use the PMIS tool to better estimate costs and budgets.





Tabdil Energy Paya Company decided to implement Project Management Information Systems (PMIS) by looking at the following three basics:
۱- This company, as a project-oriented organization that is the backbone of its revenue cycle from project implementation, decided to monitor its projects with more quality.
۲- Having large projects with a number of employers, consultants, and contractors at different levels who have faced the challenge of optimal project information management and inter-organizational communication.
۳- This company, as an organization that due to its diversity, large number, geographical dispersion, the complexity of its projects, has decided to streamline a tool for aggregating and analyzing project portfolio information as well as lubrication of information rotation in projects.


High flexibility of project management information systems software package with software packages in Tabdil Energy Paya Company, causes effective management of organizational resources, complete and correct management of projects, integration, and coordination in workspaces, measurement, and tracking of overall performance, Effective measurement and accurate control of projects, programs and plans and operations of the organization, throughout the project implementation period, and this will give the ability and insight to identify potential problems and make better decisions, projects To be managed in the most optimal way.





The solution for enterprise project management information systems is a flexible platform used by the Tabdil Energy Paya Company to automate project, design, and portfolio management processes. Implementing an organizational project management strategy, in addition to managing a strategic-oriented organizational plan and selecting projects, plans, as well as analyzing them, helps project beneficiaries, especially reputable employers, to achieve the following goals:
• Design and implementation of all project management processes in the field of knowledge integration (Integration K.A)
• Design and implementation of all project management processes in the field of knowledge (Scope K.A)
• Design and implementation of all Time K.A. project management processes
• Design and implementation of all cost knowledge project management processes (Cost K.A)
• Design and implementation of all quality management processes in the field of quality knowledge (Quality K.A)
• Design and implementation of all Risk K.A. project management processes
• Design and implementation of all stakeholder K.A. project management processes
• Design and implementation of all Resource K.A. project management processes
• Design and implementation of all Procurement K.A. project management processes
• Design and implementation of all communication management project processes in the field of communication knowledge (Communication K.A)
• Portfolio Cost Management
• Portfolio Schedule Management
• Portfolio Risk Management
• Portfolio Resource Management


Some software solutions in this regard include the following products for optimal management integration:
Microsoft Office Project Professional
Microsoft Office Project Server
Microsoft Project Web Access
Microsoft Office Portfolio Server
Oracle-Primavera P6
Oracle-Primavera Risk Analysis


September 16, 2019 No Comments